Monday, April 6, 2015

Is lamp monitoring necessary for Energy saving in Street lighting ?

Why not lamp monitoring ?

Recently many municipal corporations has started asking for lamp monitoring systems for automation and energy conservation in street lighting.

But according to my knowledge 'Lamp monitoring' should be used for only critical areas, where single non working luminary can make a huge difference, like in critical defense areas of military warehouse etc.

why lamp monitoring should not be installed in municipal corporations ?

1) Actually there is no need to monitor individual lamp.
2) Lamp monitoring needs installation in each lamp, which is very expensive.
3) Lamp monitoring increase data management burden on website which needs more         bandwidth and storage, again costlier than loop or segment management.
4) More devices increases chances of filer.
5) Individual lamp monitoring increase programming and monitoring activities for observer.
6) Each installation adds it's consumption which is not used for illumination.
7) Connectivity failure may affect the performance of roadway lightnings. 

why loop or circuit monitoring should be used in municipal corporations ?

1) Only one installation per circuit or loop needed, Less installations means lower cost.
2) Less installation means lower chances of failure.
3) Less Data storage space, communication bandwidth required.
4) Less consumption as less intermediaries involved.
5) More part of energy is used for illumination only.
6) Consumption report can infer about non-working or faulty luminaries in the circuits.
7) Less programming and settings as no individual lamp need to be programmed.

By overall view we can conclude, although lamp monitoring is latest technology, for countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other developing countries, it is very expensive and not as useful as loop or circuit monitoring and control.